History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringing Societies

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Railwaymen's Guild

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
Railwaymen's Guild

After privatisation of the railways in 1994 the Guild was originally renamed the Railways Industries Association before it was realised that there was an identically named organisation which was a group of railway suppliers. The name was then changed to the Guild of Railway Ringers. [Research by John Harrison.]


Accounts of the lives of members (Navigation at foot of page)

NamePlace(s)Other societiesDate of death
Edric John Franklin Place of Birth: Kemerton
Began ringing at: Kemerton
First peal tower: St. Peter & St Paul, Aston
Towers: He rang at Kemerton church from 1929-1936, then Erdington Parish Church 1936-1939. From 1945 onwards he rang at St Peter & St Paul, Aston, Birmingham
Location mentioned in obituary: Birmingham

Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

Railwaymen's Guild

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
Railwaymen's Guild

After privatisation of the railways in 1994 the Guild was originally renamed the Railways Industries Association before it was realised that there was an identically named organisation which was a group of railway suppliers. The name was then changed to the Guild of Railway Ringers. [Research by John Harrison.]


Accounts of the lives of members (Navigation at foot of page)

NamePlace(s)Other societiesDate of death
Edric John Franklin Place of Birth: Kemerton
Began ringing at: Kemerton
First peal tower: St. Peter & St Paul, Aston
Towers: He rang at Kemerton church from 1929-1936, then Erdington Parish Church 1936-1939. From 1945 onwards he rang at St Peter & St Paul, Aston, Birmingham
Location mentioned in obituary: Birmingham

Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

  © CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, Central Council