History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringing Societies

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Guildford Diocesan Guild

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
Guildford Diocesan Guild

Was previously in the very large Winchester Diocesan Guild. [Research by John Harrison.]

Proposals to divide the old ecclesiastical Diocese of Winchester had been discussed as early as 1903 but it was not until 1924 that the decision was ratified by the Church Assembly and both Houses of Parliament. Soon after, suggestions that the bellringers' Winchester Diocesan Guild be similarly partitioned were discussed at Guild and District meetings, particularly the Guildford and Yorktown Districts. Firm moves towards the formation of the new Diocese of Guildford Guild were finally made with a proposal put before the Guildford District of the Winchester Guild at a meeting on 12th November 1926.
The area to be included in the new diocese was nominally covered by the Guildford and Yorktown Districts. However, many towers, particularly in the east of the new Diocese, were not affiliated to the Winchester Guild and the two Districts between them only represented 28 of the 57 towers in the new diocesan area, many of the rest having strong ties with the Surrey Association. In December 1926 five members from each District met at Woking and this was followed by a Special General Meeting of the Yorktown District in January 1927, when it was agreed to support the Guildford District Plan for the new Guild.
A Committee was then set up, comprising the District representatives together with others invited from towers not affiliated to the Winchester Guild. The Guild Central Committee acknowledged the wishes of the Guildford and Yorktown Districts to form a separate Guild, and at an Annual General Meeting of the Winchester Guild, held in Guildford on 2nd July 1927, terms for the separation were agreed.
The new Diocese came into being on 1st May 1927. A preliminary General Meeting of the new Guild was held in Guildford on 19th November 1927, attended by nearly 200 prospective members from 42 towers in the Diocese. The Inaugural Meeting of the Guild was held in Guildford on 31st December 1927, and here the motion to create the Guild was unanimously accepted. [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Certificates Collection by Chris Ridley.]

founded 1927 [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Badge Collection by Chris Ridley.]


The example illustrated is in silver, hallmarked for London with the date letter 't' for 1934-5 and the maker's mark HP for H Phillips. It also has the George V jubilee mark.


Books in the Council Library

TitleAuthorDateNotesAcquisition Number
Guildford Diocesan Guild, Guildford DistrictNewsletter Six issues annually Newsletter 'Ring!' from 1994 A4 size Mar, Jul, Oct 1981,1-5 1982, 1-5 1983, 1-6 1084, 1-5 1985, 1-6 1986, 1, 3, 3a, 4-6 1987, 1-6 1988, 1-6 1989, 1-6 1990, 1, 2 1991 Issue 3 1991 - Issue 6 2010 (Issue 1 1992, 6 2009 missing) Issue 1 2011 - Issue 4 2015 (4 issues a year from 2015) Iss1287
1928-2008 (1929 is a photocopy), 2009-21680
Towers and Bells around Guildford. A Guide to the Guildford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell ringers, its churches, towers, and bells.Julian Morgan and Sally Schupke (Editors)1999illustrated 2550
Towers and Bells around Guildford. A Guide to the Guildford Dioc. Guild of Church Bell ringers, its churches, towers, and bells.Julian Morgan and Sally Schupke (Editors)2001illustrated 2693
Guildford Diocesan Guild Library lists1986See 705 above and 1812 below 1802
Guildford Diocesan Guild Library listsSee 705 and 1802 above 1812

Accounts of the lives of members (Navigation at foot of page)

NamePlace(s)Other societiesDate of death
G H Allen Roll of Honour tower: Wonersh 
Ernest John Barker Roll of Honour tower: Bentley25/01/1942
Sydney Charles Butler Roll of Honour tower: Aldershot11/08/1942
Charles William Denyer Place of Birth: Tongham, Surrey
Began ringing at: Aldershot
First peal tower: Aldershot
Location mentioned in obituary: Guildford
Central Council of Church Bellringers18/05/1984
Victor Godfrey Elliott R A F, V RLocation mentioned in obituary: Guildford
Roll of Honour tower: Guildford (Cathedral)
Sidney Elton Location mentioned in obituary: Guildford
Roll of Honour tower: Guildford (St Nicholas)
David Girling Location mentioned in obituary: Ewhurst
Roll of Honour tower: Ewhurst
David Girling Roll of Honour tower: Ewhurst29/10/1940
Albert James Goodyear Roll of Honour tower: Ottershaw05/05/1943
Leonard John Gould Roll of Honour tower: Hascombe01/03/1944
George Lewis Grover Place of Birth: West Clandon, Surrey
Began ringing at: West Clandon
Towers: Attached to West Clandon all his life
Location mentioned in obituary: West Clandon
Frederick Walter Hampshire Roll of Honour tower: Dorking06/09/1944
Albert Harman Place of Birth: Burstow, Sussex
Began ringing at: Burstow
First peal tower: Burstow
Towers: 1918-1963 Leatherhead, Surrey, 1963 Isle of Wight towers.
Location mentioned in obituary: Godshill
Albert Charles Hazelden Place of Birth: Sevenoaks, Kent
Began ringing at: Sundridge, Kent
First peal tower: Seal Chart, Kent
Towers: St. Lawrence, Seal Chart 1897-1900; St. Nicholas, Sevenoaks 1900; Guildford from 1901.
Location mentioned in obituary: Guildford (St Nicholas)
Russell George Denis Jaggard Roll of Honour tower: Farnborough01/09/1942
Gordon Sidney Geoffrey Joyce Place of Birth: Farnborough, Hants
First peal tower: Farnborough
Location mentioned in obituary: Farnborough (Hants)
Mr Denis Noel Layton ARCS,DIC,AInstPPlace of Birth: Dulwich, London
Began ringing at: Banstead, Surrey
First peal tower: Christchurch Vestry, Regent's Park, London
Towers: Edgbaston 1958-60
Towers: Kingswinsford 1960+
Towers: Stourbridge 1953-55
Ancient Society of College Youths
Surrey Association
University of London Society
Worcester and Districts Association
Bertram Stephen Longhurst Roll of Honour tower: Shere10/05/1944
Sister Constance Dorothy Manfield Roll of Honour tower: Ash27/10/1942
Douglas Anthony Roland May Place of Birth: East Clandon
Began ringing at: West Clandon
First peal tower: Ockham
Towers: Old Woking from 1964-1965; West Clandon from 1966-1976; Compton, Surrey from 1996-2003 and Ewhurst from 2003 - 2007
Location mentioned in obituary: Ewhurst

Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

Peal Boards

Grayshott, Hants 16/10/1960


Grayshott, Hants 21/10/2000


Guildford Diocesan Guild

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
Guildford Diocesan Guild

Was previously in the very large Winchester Diocesan Guild. [Research by John Harrison.]

Proposals to divide the old ecclesiastical Diocese of Winchester had been discussed as early as 1903 but it was not until 1924 that the decision was ratified by the Church Assembly and both Houses of Parliament. Soon after, suggestions that the bellringers' Winchester Diocesan Guild be similarly partitioned were discussed at Guild and District meetings, particularly the Guildford and Yorktown Districts. Firm moves towards the formation of the new Diocese of Guildford Guild were finally made with a proposal put before the Guildford District of the Winchester Guild at a meeting on 12th November 1926.
The area to be included in the new diocese was nominally covered by the Guildford and Yorktown Districts. However, many towers, particularly in the east of the new Diocese, were not affiliated to the Winchester Guild and the two Districts between them only represented 28 of the 57 towers in the new diocesan area, many of the rest having strong ties with the Surrey Association. In December 1926 five members from each District met at Woking and this was followed by a Special General Meeting of the Yorktown District in January 1927, when it was agreed to support the Guildford District Plan for the new Guild.
A Committee was then set up, comprising the District representatives together with others invited from towers not affiliated to the Winchester Guild. The Guild Central Committee acknowledged the wishes of the Guildford and Yorktown Districts to form a separate Guild, and at an Annual General Meeting of the Winchester Guild, held in Guildford on 2nd July 1927, terms for the separation were agreed.
The new Diocese came into being on 1st May 1927. A preliminary General Meeting of the new Guild was held in Guildford on 19th November 1927, attended by nearly 200 prospective members from 42 towers in the Diocese. The Inaugural Meeting of the Guild was held in Guildford on 31st December 1927, and here the motion to create the Guild was unanimously accepted. [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Certificates Collection by Chris Ridley.]

founded 1927 [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Badge Collection by Chris Ridley.]


The example illustrated is in silver, hallmarked for London with the date letter 't' for 1934-5 and the maker's mark HP for H Phillips. It also has the George V jubilee mark.


Books in the Council Library

TitleAuthorDateNotesAcquisition Number
Guildford Diocesan Guild, Guildford DistrictNewsletter Six issues annually Newsletter 'Ring!' from 1994 A4 size Mar, Jul, Oct 1981,1-5 1982, 1-5 1983, 1-6 1084, 1-5 1985, 1-6 1986, 1, 3, 3a, 4-6 1987, 1-6 1988, 1-6 1989, 1-6 1990, 1, 2 1991 Issue 3 1991 - Issue 6 2010 (Issue 1 1992, 6 2009 missing) Issue 1 2011 - Issue 4 2015 (4 issues a year from 2015) Iss1287
1928-2008 (1929 is a photocopy), 2009-21680
Towers and Bells around Guildford. A Guide to the Guildford Diocesan Guild of Church Bell ringers, its churches, towers, and bells.Julian Morgan and Sally Schupke (Editors)1999illustrated 2550
Towers and Bells around Guildford. A Guide to the Guildford Dioc. Guild of Church Bell ringers, its churches, towers, and bells.Julian Morgan and Sally Schupke (Editors)2001illustrated 2693
Guildford Diocesan Guild Library lists1986See 705 above and 1812 below 1802
Guildford Diocesan Guild Library listsSee 705 and 1802 above 1812

Accounts of the lives of members (Navigation at foot of page)

NamePlace(s)Other societiesDate of death
G H Allen Roll of Honour tower: Wonersh 
Ernest John Barker Roll of Honour tower: Bentley25/01/1942
Sydney Charles Butler Roll of Honour tower: Aldershot11/08/1942
Charles William Denyer Place of Birth: Tongham, Surrey
Began ringing at: Aldershot
First peal tower: Aldershot
Location mentioned in obituary: Guildford
Central Council of Church Bellringers18/05/1984
Victor Godfrey Elliott R A F, V RLocation mentioned in obituary: Guildford
Roll of Honour tower: Guildford (Cathedral)
Sidney Elton Location mentioned in obituary: Guildford
Roll of Honour tower: Guildford (St Nicholas)
David Girling Location mentioned in obituary: Ewhurst
Roll of Honour tower: Ewhurst
David Girling Roll of Honour tower: Ewhurst29/10/1940
Albert James Goodyear Roll of Honour tower: Ottershaw05/05/1943
Leonard John Gould Roll of Honour tower: Hascombe01/03/1944
George Lewis Grover Place of Birth: West Clandon, Surrey
Began ringing at: West Clandon
Towers: Attached to West Clandon all his life
Location mentioned in obituary: West Clandon
Frederick Walter Hampshire Roll of Honour tower: Dorking06/09/1944
Albert Harman Place of Birth: Burstow, Sussex
Began ringing at: Burstow
First peal tower: Burstow
Towers: 1918-1963 Leatherhead, Surrey, 1963 Isle of Wight towers.
Location mentioned in obituary: Godshill
Albert Charles Hazelden Place of Birth: Sevenoaks, Kent
Began ringing at: Sundridge, Kent
First peal tower: Seal Chart, Kent
Towers: St. Lawrence, Seal Chart 1897-1900; St. Nicholas, Sevenoaks 1900; Guildford from 1901.
Location mentioned in obituary: Guildford (St Nicholas)
Russell George Denis Jaggard Roll of Honour tower: Farnborough01/09/1942
Gordon Sidney Geoffrey Joyce Place of Birth: Farnborough, Hants
First peal tower: Farnborough
Location mentioned in obituary: Farnborough (Hants)
Mr Denis Noel Layton ARCS,DIC,AInstPPlace of Birth: Dulwich, London
Began ringing at: Banstead, Surrey
First peal tower: Christchurch Vestry, Regent's Park, London
Towers: Edgbaston 1958-60
Towers: Kingswinsford 1960+
Towers: Stourbridge 1953-55
Ancient Society of College Youths
Surrey Association
University of London Society
Worcester and Districts Association
Bertram Stephen Longhurst Roll of Honour tower: Shere10/05/1944
Sister Constance Dorothy Manfield Roll of Honour tower: Ash27/10/1942
Douglas Anthony Roland May Place of Birth: East Clandon
Began ringing at: West Clandon
First peal tower: Ockham
Towers: Old Woking from 1964-1965; West Clandon from 1966-1976; Compton, Surrey from 1996-2003 and Ewhurst from 2003 - 2007
Location mentioned in obituary: Ewhurst

Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

Peal Boards

Grayshott, Hants 16/10/1960


Grayshott, Hants 21/10/2000

  © CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, Central Council