History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringing Societies

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Ely Diocesan Association

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
Ely Diocesan Association

The bells of St Mary's Ely were restored and re-dedicated on 29th May 1882. The event attracted some 250 ringers from as far as Norwich and London. At a luncheon held in the Boy's Room of the National School, Gervas Holmes JP MA introduced the idea of forming an association in a speech which resulted in several ringers taking up the idea. Holmes himself had been a ringer at Great St Mary's when he was an undergraduate at Emmanuel College, Cambridge in the 1850s and had subsequently started a bell foundry at Harleston in Norfolk together with Captain A P Moore and H A O Mackenzie. A letter was circulated in December 1882 to canvass support and the Bishop afforded his patronage. A provisional committee was formed with Kenelm Smith acting as honorary secretary. By the following summer the committee was ready to act and held a ringing meeting in Cambridge on Bank Holiday Monday 6th August 1883. Following the day's ringing a dinner was held at the Alexandra Restaurant at which the proposal to form a 'Diocesan Association of Ringers' was carried unanimously.
The early years of its existence however, raised difficulties with the newly formed Bedfordshire Association created for the Bedford Archdeaconry which was part of the Ely Diocesan. These difficulties perhaps led to the meeting held on 12th January 1897 at which the Ely Diocesan Association of Change Ringers was re-launched. It may further explain the temporary re-naming of the Association as the Ely and St Edmundsbury Diocesan Association (1919 to 1921). Further information is provided in the Ringing World (10th January 1997, pages 25, 26 and 29). [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Certificates Collection by Chris Ridley.]

founded 1897. Sometime: Ely & St Edmundsbury Diocesan Association (1919 to 1921) [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Badge Collection by Chris Ridley.]



Books in the Council Library

TitleAuthorDateNotesAcquisition Number
The Ringer's RabbleNewsletter No 1 (Autumn 1999) - No 25 (Autumn 2007) No 13 and No 15 missing2811
Annual Reports 1895 (photocopy), 1898, 1901-08, 10-13, 13/15 (interim), 14/20 (1908, 1910 and 1911 are photocopies), 1921-2017/18, 2018/19 - 2022/23677
The Ely Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers: the first hundred yearsGareth Davies et al2022illustrated 4187
The Ely Diocesan Association of Change Ringers 1895-1921. Peals, conductors and composers, 1895-1921Maurice J Thurmott2006A4 computer print-out 3144

Accounts of the lives of members (Navigation at foot of page)

NamePlace(s)Other societiesDate of death
Private William George Allen Roll of Honour tower: Brampton, Huntingdonshire19/02/1915
Private John Allen Roll of Honour tower: Brampton, Huntingdonshire20/09/1918
Reginald Rupert Andrews Roll of Honour tower: Whittlesford19/04/1915
Alfred Edward Bacon Roll of Honour tower: Fincham29/10/1940
Albert Ernest Bass Roll of Honour tower: Kimbolton15/06/1940
George Alfred Baynes Roll of Honour tower: Ickleton03/02/1945
Mr T A Bevis Central Council of Church Bellringers 
Peter Border Place of Birth: Cambridge
Began ringing at: Trumpington
First peal tower: Rampton, Cambridgeshire
Towers: Barford
Location mentioned in obituary: Warwick
Ancient Society of College Youths
Coventry Diocesan Guild
Lance Corporal Arthur Edward Carder Location mentioned in obituary: Ickleton
Roll of Honour tower: Ickleton
Private Herbert Carder Location mentioned in obituary: Ickleton
Roll of Honour tower: Ickleton
Serjeant Walter Barnabas Carder Location mentioned in obituary: Ickleton
Roll of Honour tower: Ickleton
Revd John Mayhew Clarkson Began ringing at: Devonport
First peal tower: Cardynham, Cornwall
Towers: Brington with Bythorn, Huntingdon 901-1912
Location mentioned in obituary: Brington
Charles William Cook Place of Birth: Long Stanton, Cambs
Began ringing at: Long Stanton
First peal tower: Long Stanton
Towers: Harston from 1937
Location mentioned in obituary: Meldreth
Revd Walter William Covey-Crump Place of Birth: Birmingham
Began ringing at: Cambridge
Towers: St. Mary Cottenham, Holy & Undivided Trinity, Haddenham, Cambs, St Mary St Neots, Huntingdon
Private Harry Cox Roll of Honour tower: Stapleford06/09/1918
Second Lieutenant Henry Brodie Day Roll of Honour tower: Melbourn03/02/1918
Thomas Reginald Dennis Place of Birth: Cambridge
Began ringing at: Cambridge, St. Mary
First peal tower: Great St. Andrew, Cambridge
Location mentioned in obituary: Cambridge
Private Frederick George Dewell Roll of Honour tower: Bury St Edmunds31/05/1917
William Arthur Ely Roll of Honour tower: Bury St Edmunds21/03/1918
John Cecil Francis Roll of Honour tower: Elm02/04/1945

Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

Peal Boards

Horringer, Suffolk 12/04/1913


Ely Diocesan Association

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
Ely Diocesan Association

The bells of St Mary's Ely were restored and re-dedicated on 29th May 1882. The event attracted some 250 ringers from as far as Norwich and London. At a luncheon held in the Boy's Room of the National School, Gervas Holmes JP MA introduced the idea of forming an association in a speech which resulted in several ringers taking up the idea. Holmes himself had been a ringer at Great St Mary's when he was an undergraduate at Emmanuel College, Cambridge in the 1850s and had subsequently started a bell foundry at Harleston in Norfolk together with Captain A P Moore and H A O Mackenzie. A letter was circulated in December 1882 to canvass support and the Bishop afforded his patronage. A provisional committee was formed with Kenelm Smith acting as honorary secretary. By the following summer the committee was ready to act and held a ringing meeting in Cambridge on Bank Holiday Monday 6th August 1883. Following the day's ringing a dinner was held at the Alexandra Restaurant at which the proposal to form a 'Diocesan Association of Ringers' was carried unanimously.
The early years of its existence however, raised difficulties with the newly formed Bedfordshire Association created for the Bedford Archdeaconry which was part of the Ely Diocesan. These difficulties perhaps led to the meeting held on 12th January 1897 at which the Ely Diocesan Association of Change Ringers was re-launched. It may further explain the temporary re-naming of the Association as the Ely and St Edmundsbury Diocesan Association (1919 to 1921). Further information is provided in the Ringing World (10th January 1997, pages 25, 26 and 29). [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Certificates Collection by Chris Ridley.]

founded 1897. Sometime: Ely & St Edmundsbury Diocesan Association (1919 to 1921) [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Badge Collection by Chris Ridley.]



Books in the Council Library

TitleAuthorDateNotesAcquisition Number
The Ringer's RabbleNewsletter No 1 (Autumn 1999) - No 25 (Autumn 2007) No 13 and No 15 missing2811
Annual Reports 1895 (photocopy), 1898, 1901-08, 10-13, 13/15 (interim), 14/20 (1908, 1910 and 1911 are photocopies), 1921-2017/18, 2018/19 - 2022/23677
The Ely Diocesan Association of Church Bell Ringers: the first hundred yearsGareth Davies et al2022illustrated 4187
The Ely Diocesan Association of Change Ringers 1895-1921. Peals, conductors and composers, 1895-1921Maurice J Thurmott2006A4 computer print-out 3144

Accounts of the lives of members (Navigation at foot of page)

NamePlace(s)Other societiesDate of death
Private William George Allen Roll of Honour tower: Brampton, Huntingdonshire19/02/1915
Private John Allen Roll of Honour tower: Brampton, Huntingdonshire20/09/1918
Reginald Rupert Andrews Roll of Honour tower: Whittlesford19/04/1915
Alfred Edward Bacon Roll of Honour tower: Fincham29/10/1940
Albert Ernest Bass Roll of Honour tower: Kimbolton15/06/1940
George Alfred Baynes Roll of Honour tower: Ickleton03/02/1945
Mr T A Bevis Central Council of Church Bellringers 
Peter Border Place of Birth: Cambridge
Began ringing at: Trumpington
First peal tower: Rampton, Cambridgeshire
Towers: Barford
Location mentioned in obituary: Warwick
Ancient Society of College Youths
Coventry Diocesan Guild
Lance Corporal Arthur Edward Carder Location mentioned in obituary: Ickleton
Roll of Honour tower: Ickleton
Private Herbert Carder Location mentioned in obituary: Ickleton
Roll of Honour tower: Ickleton
Serjeant Walter Barnabas Carder Location mentioned in obituary: Ickleton
Roll of Honour tower: Ickleton
Revd John Mayhew Clarkson Began ringing at: Devonport
First peal tower: Cardynham, Cornwall
Towers: Brington with Bythorn, Huntingdon 901-1912
Location mentioned in obituary: Brington
Charles William Cook Place of Birth: Long Stanton, Cambs
Began ringing at: Long Stanton
First peal tower: Long Stanton
Towers: Harston from 1937
Location mentioned in obituary: Meldreth
Revd Walter William Covey-Crump Place of Birth: Birmingham
Began ringing at: Cambridge
Towers: St. Mary Cottenham, Holy & Undivided Trinity, Haddenham, Cambs, St Mary St Neots, Huntingdon
Private Harry Cox Roll of Honour tower: Stapleford06/09/1918
Second Lieutenant Henry Brodie Day Roll of Honour tower: Melbourn03/02/1918
Thomas Reginald Dennis Place of Birth: Cambridge
Began ringing at: Cambridge, St. Mary
First peal tower: Great St. Andrew, Cambridge
Location mentioned in obituary: Cambridge
Private Frederick George Dewell Roll of Honour tower: Bury St Edmunds31/05/1917
William Arthur Ely Roll of Honour tower: Bury St Edmunds21/03/1918
John Cecil Francis Roll of Honour tower: Elm02/04/1945

Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

Peal Boards

Horringer, Suffolk 12/04/1913

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