History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringing Societies

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St. Martins Guild of Change Ringers for Birmingham and associated societies

Associated societies have a green background.

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
St. Philip's Society

Birmingham. Later became the Birmingham District Amalgamated Society [Research by John Harrison.]

Birmingham and District Association1889
Birmingham Amalgamated Society1889
Society of St. Martin's Youths

The precursor of St. Martin's Society of Change Ringers [Research by John Harrison.]

Holt Society of Aston18791888
St. Martins Guild of Change Ringers for Birmingham18801888
Birmingham and District Amalgamated Society

This society was led by John Carter and was an expansion of the St. Philip's Society, Birmingham [Research by John Harrison.]

St. Martin's Guild of Change Ringers for Birmingham, Aston and the surrounding districts.

Henry Johnson was the Presiding Ringing Master. The society was later renamed to St Martin's Guild of Church Bell Ringers for the Diocese of Birmingham [Research by John Harrison.]

St. Martin's Guild of Church Bell Ringers for the Diocese of Birmingham

The former St. Martin's Guild of Change Ringers for Birmingham, Aston and the surrounding districts was renamed in January 1906, shortly after the creation of the Diocese of Birmingham [Research by John Harrison.]

The St Martins Guild of Change Ringers for Birmingham amalgamated with the Holts Society of Aston on 9th October 1888 (see Bell News 26th June 1889, page 541). Shortly afterwards on the 9th February 1889 a meeting held in the White Swan hostelry in Edmund Street, Birmingham agreed an amalgamation of the Birmingham and Districts Association with the Birmingham Amalgamated Society to form the Birmingham and District Amalgamated Society (see Bell News 2nd March 1889, page 601).
The creation of the St Martin's Guild for the Diocese of Birmingham was discussed following the creation of the new Diocese (see Bell News 29th July 1905, page 246). This resulted in the St Martin's Guild of Church Bell Ringers for the Diocese of Birmingham being founded in January 1906. [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Certificates Collection by Chris Ridley.]

founded 1906
Formerly: Society of St Martin's Youths (1755-1889); St Martin's Guild for Birmingham, Aston & Districts(1889-1906)
Subsumed: Birmingham & District Amalgamated Society (1881-1906) [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Badge Collection by Chris Ridley.]


Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

Peal Boards

Birmingham, Moseley (St Mary), W Mids 04/05/1904


St. Martins Guild of Change Ringers for Birmingham and associated societies

Associated societies have a green background.

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
St. Philip's Society

Birmingham. Later became the Birmingham District Amalgamated Society [Research by John Harrison.]

Birmingham and District Association1889
Birmingham Amalgamated Society1889
Society of St. Martin's Youths

The precursor of St. Martin's Society of Change Ringers [Research by John Harrison.]

Holt Society of Aston18791888
St. Martins Guild of Change Ringers for Birmingham18801888
Birmingham and District Amalgamated Society

This society was led by John Carter and was an expansion of the St. Philip's Society, Birmingham [Research by John Harrison.]

St. Martin's Guild of Change Ringers for Birmingham, Aston and the surrounding districts.

Henry Johnson was the Presiding Ringing Master. The society was later renamed to St Martin's Guild of Church Bell Ringers for the Diocese of Birmingham [Research by John Harrison.]

St. Martin's Guild of Church Bell Ringers for the Diocese of Birmingham

The former St. Martin's Guild of Change Ringers for Birmingham, Aston and the surrounding districts was renamed in January 1906, shortly after the creation of the Diocese of Birmingham [Research by John Harrison.]

The St Martins Guild of Change Ringers for Birmingham amalgamated with the Holts Society of Aston on 9th October 1888 (see Bell News 26th June 1889, page 541). Shortly afterwards on the 9th February 1889 a meeting held in the White Swan hostelry in Edmund Street, Birmingham agreed an amalgamation of the Birmingham and Districts Association with the Birmingham Amalgamated Society to form the Birmingham and District Amalgamated Society (see Bell News 2nd March 1889, page 601).
The creation of the St Martin's Guild for the Diocese of Birmingham was discussed following the creation of the new Diocese (see Bell News 29th July 1905, page 246). This resulted in the St Martin's Guild of Church Bell Ringers for the Diocese of Birmingham being founded in January 1906. [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Certificates Collection by Chris Ridley.]

founded 1906
Formerly: Society of St Martin's Youths (1755-1889); St Martin's Guild for Birmingham, Aston & Districts(1889-1906)
Subsumed: Birmingham & District Amalgamated Society (1881-1906) [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Badge Collection by Chris Ridley.]


Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

Peal Boards

Birmingham, Moseley (St Mary), W Mids 04/05/1904

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