History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringing Societies

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Handbell Ringers of Great Britain

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
Handbell Ringers of Great Britain

The aim of the Society is 'to advance, provide and encourage for the public benefit the art of hand bell tune ringing in all its forms'. The Society presents to its members a wide range of activities and music designed to show the many aspects of hand bell tune ringing. They are organised into 8 regions giving access to a nationwide network of groups of hand ringers from all walks of life and of varying abilities. Each region holds rallies where teams have the chance to ring individually or to combine to ring the same piece of music in 'massed' ringing. Workshops are also organised in the regions for teams to try out other ringing methods or techniques. In addition, an annual rally is held. [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Certificates Collection by Chris Ridley.]

founded 1967 [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Badge Collection by Chris Ridley.]


Books in the Council Library

TitleAuthorDateNotesAcquisition Number
An Introduction to English Handbell Tune RingingPhilip Bedford1974illustrated 909
Musical Slide rulen.d.Single sheet of card 2194
Achievement Award Handbook1987 2191
Publicity leaflets1988Handbell Ringers of Great Britain publicity leaflet 1988 1882
HRGB programme of 10th anniversary festival concert, Wembley 30.iv.1977 and other handbell/carillon programmes1922 - 1984 1382
HRGB programme of 10th anniversary festival concert, Wembley 30.iv.1977 and other handbell/carillon programmes1922 - 1984 1606
HRGB The First 50 Years2017illustrated. Edited by John Willis 3917
Handbell Tune Ringing. A Beginners GuideChristine Lazenbyn.d.Additional material by George Francis 2190
Arranging Handbell Music for BeginnersLysbeth Wilsonn.d. 2192
Arranging Handbell Music for BeginnersLysbeth Wilsonn.d. 2193
Making music on handbellsAccompanying leaflet stored in Other Media box 2 Transfer of VHS tape - Also available on DVD - same accession number 2188
Celebration of bells - a glimpse of 2000 years of history of the small bell36434Transfer of VHS tape Also available on DVD - same accession number 2770
ReverberationsJournal Vol 1 No 1 (n.d. ? 1967) - Vol 52 No 2 (Autumn/Winter 2019) Vol 53 No 1 (Spring/Summer 2020) - Vol 56 No 2 (Autumn/Winter 2023)644

Accounts of the lives of members (Navigation at foot of page)

NamePlace(s)Other societiesDate of death
Mr John P Partington Location mentioned in obituary: HeywoodAncient Society of College Youths
Central Council of Church Bellringers
Lancashire Association
Leicester University Society

Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

Handbell Ringers of Great Britain

Society NameDescriptionsFrom (year)To (year)Web site
Handbell Ringers of Great Britain

The aim of the Society is 'to advance, provide and encourage for the public benefit the art of hand bell tune ringing in all its forms'. The Society presents to its members a wide range of activities and music designed to show the many aspects of hand bell tune ringing. They are organised into 8 regions giving access to a nationwide network of groups of hand ringers from all walks of life and of varying abilities. Each region holds rallies where teams have the chance to ring individually or to combine to ring the same piece of music in 'massed' ringing. Workshops are also organised in the regions for teams to try out other ringing methods or techniques. In addition, an annual rally is held. [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Certificates Collection by Chris Ridley.]

founded 1967 [Research and observations associated with the Council Library Badge Collection by Chris Ridley.]


Books in the Council Library

TitleAuthorDateNotesAcquisition Number
An Introduction to English Handbell Tune RingingPhilip Bedford1974illustrated 909
Musical Slide rulen.d.Single sheet of card 2194
Achievement Award Handbook1987 2191
Publicity leaflets1988Handbell Ringers of Great Britain publicity leaflet 1988 1882
HRGB programme of 10th anniversary festival concert, Wembley 30.iv.1977 and other handbell/carillon programmes1922 - 1984 1382
HRGB programme of 10th anniversary festival concert, Wembley 30.iv.1977 and other handbell/carillon programmes1922 - 1984 1606
HRGB The First 50 Years2017illustrated. Edited by John Willis 3917
Handbell Tune Ringing. A Beginners GuideChristine Lazenbyn.d.Additional material by George Francis 2190
Arranging Handbell Music for BeginnersLysbeth Wilsonn.d. 2192
Arranging Handbell Music for BeginnersLysbeth Wilsonn.d. 2193
Making music on handbellsAccompanying leaflet stored in Other Media box 2 Transfer of VHS tape - Also available on DVD - same accession number 2188
Celebration of bells - a glimpse of 2000 years of history of the small bell36434Transfer of VHS tape Also available on DVD - same accession number 2770
ReverberationsJournal Vol 1 No 1 (n.d. ? 1967) - Vol 52 No 2 (Autumn/Winter 2019) Vol 53 No 1 (Spring/Summer 2020) - Vol 56 No 2 (Autumn/Winter 2023)644

Accounts of the lives of members (Navigation at foot of page)

NamePlace(s)Other societiesDate of death
Mr John P Partington Location mentioned in obituary: HeywoodAncient Society of College Youths
Central Council of Church Bellringers
Lancashire Association
Leicester University Society

Peal Statistics

Statistics sourced from the annual reports of the Council Peal Analysis Committee will be shown here

The tables will need to be digitised first. A job for 2024.

  © CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, Central Council