History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringers from the past

Roger Wetenhall Daniels Wetenhall (Known as Surname formerly Daniels.)

Date of Birth17/08/1903
Date of Death07/11/1998
Date of Funeral 
Age at death95
Trade or profession

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 1148 20/11/1998
The Ringing World page 276 19/03/1999
Report and Newsletter page 7 01/04/2000


Ancient Society of College Youths
Cumberland and North Westmorland Association
Carlisle Diocesan Guild

Society offices held: He was Secretary of the Cumberland and North Westmorland Association 1971-1975. He was Master of the Carlisle Diocesan Guild at the time of his death.



Place of BirthStanwick, Northamptonshire
Began ringing atNorth Wheatley, Nottinghamshire
Location mentioned in obituaryWhitehaven


Notable performances: He rang in the first peal of Surprise Major by a resident band of the Cumberland and North Westmorland Association at Cockermouth on 18th December 1965.

First peal

Plain Bob Minor
Stow in Lincolnshire
Total peals rung0
Total peals conducted0

Participation in Central Council activities

Meetings attended: 8

1969Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1970Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1971Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1972Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1973Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1974Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1975Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1975Carlisle Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1976Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1976Carlisle Diocesan GuildSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

Roger Wetenhall Daniels Wetenhall (Known as Surname formerly Daniels.)

Date of Birth17/08/1903
Date of Death07/11/1998
Date of Funeral 
Age at death95
Trade or profession

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 1148 20/11/1998
The Ringing World page 276 19/03/1999
Report and Newsletter page 7 01/04/2000


Ancient Society of College Youths
Cumberland and North Westmorland Association
Carlisle Diocesan Guild

Society offices held: He was Secretary of the Cumberland and North Westmorland Association 1971-1975. He was Master of the Carlisle Diocesan Guild at the time of his death.



Place of BirthStanwick, Northamptonshire
Began ringing atNorth Wheatley, Nottinghamshire
Location mentioned in obituaryWhitehaven


Notable performances: He rang in the first peal of Surprise Major by a resident band of the Cumberland and North Westmorland Association at Cockermouth on 18th December 1965.

First peal

Plain Bob Minor
Stow in Lincolnshire
Total peals rung0
Total peals conducted0

Participation in Central Council activities

Meetings attended: 8

1969Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1970Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1971Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1972Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1973Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1974Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1975Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1975Carlisle Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1976Cumberland and North Westmorland AssociationSociety Representative
1976Carlisle Diocesan GuildSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

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