History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringers from the past

Herbert Baker

Date of Birth31/10/1863
Date of Death28/12/1925
Date of Funeral31/12/1925
Age at death62
Trade or professionBrewer

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 17 08/01/1926
The Ringing World page 25 08/01/1926


Hertford County Association

Society offices held: Conductor of Hertford College Youths



Place of BirthHertford
Began ringing atSt Andrew, Hertford
TowersAll Saints, Hertford from 1879.
Location mentioned in obituaryHertford


Notable performances: 12,041 Stedman Caters, St. Lawrence, Appleton, Berks, 5th March 1888 13,247 Grandsire Caters, St. Lawrence, Appleton, Berks, 11th April 1888 15,041 Stedman Caters, St. Lawrence, Appleton, Berks, 21st December 1888 5,040 Grandsire Triples, All Saints, Hertford, 5th December 1907, he being then Mayor of Hertford 100th peal was a peal of Duffield Royal at Duffield.

First peal

Grandsire Triples
All Saints, Hertford
Total peals rung214
Total peals conducted37

Participation in Central Council activities

Meetings attended: 0

1903Hertford County AssociationSociety Representative
1904Hertford County AssociationSociety Representative
1905Hertford County AssociationSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

Herbert Baker

Date of Birth31/10/1863
Date of Death28/12/1925
Date of Funeral31/12/1925
Age at death62
Trade or professionBrewer

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 17 08/01/1926
The Ringing World page 25 08/01/1926


Hertford County Association

Society offices held: Conductor of Hertford College Youths



Place of BirthHertford
Began ringing atSt Andrew, Hertford
TowersAll Saints, Hertford from 1879.
Location mentioned in obituaryHertford


Notable performances: 12,041 Stedman Caters, St. Lawrence, Appleton, Berks, 5th March 1888 13,247 Grandsire Caters, St. Lawrence, Appleton, Berks, 11th April 1888 15,041 Stedman Caters, St. Lawrence, Appleton, Berks, 21st December 1888 5,040 Grandsire Triples, All Saints, Hertford, 5th December 1907, he being then Mayor of Hertford 100th peal was a peal of Duffield Royal at Duffield.

First peal

Grandsire Triples
All Saints, Hertford
Total peals rung214
Total peals conducted37

Participation in Central Council activities

Meetings attended: 0

1903Hertford County AssociationSociety Representative
1904Hertford County AssociationSociety Representative
1905Hertford County AssociationSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

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