History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringers from the past

Roger Geoffrey Green

Date of Birth17/11/1948
Date of Death31/05/2013
Date of Funeral 
Age at death64
Circumstances of deathbowel cancer
Trade or profession

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 840 16/08/2013
Report and Newsletter page 11 01/04/2014


Yorkshire Association
Ancient Society of College Youths
Leeds University Society

Society offices held: His love of planning, record keeping and analysis led to him being Yorkshire Association peal secretary for 12 years. Western Branch secretary and chairman



Place of BirthSheffield
Began ringing at
Location mentioned in obituaryIlkley


Notable performances: This total included many challenging compositions, which he usually conducted - three peals of 165 Spliced Major, and 24 of 23-spliced Major, including Chandler's (four times) and Leary's compositions, both of which had, at the time, only been rung by one or two other bands.

First peal

Total peals rung605
Total peals conducted350
Tower bell peals rung601
Tower bell peals conducted347
Handbell peals rung4
Handbell peals conducted3

Participation in Central Council activities

Meetings attended: 3

1973Leeds University SocietySociety Representative
1974Leeds University SocietySociety Representative
2009Yorkshire AssociationSociety Representative
2009Leeds University SocietySociety Representative
2010Yorkshire AssociationSociety Representative
2010Leeds University SocietySociety Representative
2011Yorkshire AssociationSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

Roger Geoffrey Green

Date of Birth17/11/1948
Date of Death31/05/2013
Date of Funeral 
Age at death64
Circumstances of deathbowel cancer
Trade or profession

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 840 16/08/2013
Report and Newsletter page 11 01/04/2014


Yorkshire Association
Ancient Society of College Youths
Leeds University Society

Society offices held: His love of planning, record keeping and analysis led to him being Yorkshire Association peal secretary for 12 years. Western Branch secretary and chairman



Place of BirthSheffield
Began ringing at
Location mentioned in obituaryIlkley


Notable performances: This total included many challenging compositions, which he usually conducted - three peals of 165 Spliced Major, and 24 of 23-spliced Major, including Chandler's (four times) and Leary's compositions, both of which had, at the time, only been rung by one or two other bands.

First peal

Total peals rung605
Total peals conducted350
Tower bell peals rung601
Tower bell peals conducted347
Handbell peals rung4
Handbell peals conducted3

Participation in Central Council activities

Meetings attended: 3

1973Leeds University SocietySociety Representative
1974Leeds University SocietySociety Representative
2009Yorkshire AssociationSociety Representative
2009Leeds University SocietySociety Representative
2010Yorkshire AssociationSociety Representative
2010Leeds University SocietySociety Representative
2011Yorkshire AssociationSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

  © CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, Central Council