History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringers from the past

James Leslie Garner-Hayward

Date of Birth31/07/1896
Date of Death10/05/1980
Date of Funeral15/05/1980
Age at death83
Circumstances of deathheart attack
Trade or professionGarage Proprietor, Civil Servant

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 476 30/05/1980
The Ringing World page 528 20/06/1980
The Ringing World page 534 20/06/1980
The Ringing World page 572 04/07/1980


Coventry Diocesan Guild
Central Council of Church Bellringers

Society offices held: General Secretary, coventry Diocesan Guild 1959-68 President, Coventry Diocesan Guild 1968-69



Place of BirthMontsford Bridge, Shropshire
Began ringing atWilley, Shropshire
TowersSt. Nicholas, Warwick
Location mentioned in obituaryTaunton


First peal

Grandsire Doubles
Builth Wells, Breconshire
Total peals rung94
Total peals conducted3
Tower bell peals rung89
Tower bell peals conducted3
Handbell peals rung5
Handbell peals conducted0

Participation in Central Council activities

Offices held: Assistant Librarian 1967-73

Meetings attended: 9

1960Coventry Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1961Coventry Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1962Coventry Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1963Coventry Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1967Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1968Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1969Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1970Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1971Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1972Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1973Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member

Not in Rolls of Honour

James Leslie Garner-Hayward

Date of Birth31/07/1896
Date of Death10/05/1980
Date of Funeral15/05/1980
Age at death83
Circumstances of deathheart attack
Trade or professionGarage Proprietor, Civil Servant

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 476 30/05/1980
The Ringing World page 528 20/06/1980
The Ringing World page 534 20/06/1980
The Ringing World page 572 04/07/1980


Coventry Diocesan Guild
Central Council of Church Bellringers

Society offices held: General Secretary, coventry Diocesan Guild 1959-68 President, Coventry Diocesan Guild 1968-69



Place of BirthMontsford Bridge, Shropshire
Began ringing atWilley, Shropshire
TowersSt. Nicholas, Warwick
Location mentioned in obituaryTaunton


First peal

Grandsire Doubles
Builth Wells, Breconshire
Total peals rung94
Total peals conducted3
Tower bell peals rung89
Tower bell peals conducted3
Handbell peals rung5
Handbell peals conducted0

Participation in Central Council activities

Offices held: Assistant Librarian 1967-73

Meetings attended: 9

1960Coventry Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1961Coventry Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1962Coventry Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1963Coventry Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1967Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1968Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1969Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1970Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1971Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1972Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member
1973Central Council of Church BellringersHonorary Member

Not in Rolls of Honour

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