History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringers from the past

Frederick Ernest Dukes

Date of Birth23/05/1912
Date of Death27/12/1998
Date of Funeral30/12/1998
Age at death86
Trade or professionElectrical Industry

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 32 01/01/1999
The Ringing World page 84 22/01/1999
The Ringing World page 181 26/02/1999
The Ringing World page 186 26/02/1999
The Ringing World page 199 26/02/1999
The Ringing World page 200 26/02/1999
Report and Newsletter page 7 01/04/2000


Irish Association
Ancient Society of College Youths
Central Council of Church Bellringers

Society offices held: He was the General Secretary of the Irish Association for 44 years and the Editor of Irish Bell News for 37 years.

Publications in the Central Council Library

Acquisition NumberPublicationDateContribution
2214Campanology in Ireland1994Author
2541Catalogue of material bequeathed by Fred Dukes to RCD Library Dublin (MS 614)Author
1639Master of the bells1984, DecAuthor

Awaiting photo.


Place of BirthDublin
Began ringing atSt. George's Church, Dublin
TowersSt George's, Dublin from 1928-1932; St. Patrick's Cathedral Dublin in 1933 and then from 1936-1946; St. Fin Barre's Cathedral Cork from 1934-1936. in 1950 he moved to Drogheda where he rang for the rest of his life
Location mentioned in obituaryDrogheda


Notable performances: He rang several notable peals: one was a family peal of Grandsire Doubles which he conducted on handbells with his wife and his sister. He conducted the first peal of Plain Bob Minor ever rung in Ireland at St. George's Dublin in 1944; this was the first in the method by all the band. In October 1943 Fred cycled 110 miles and called a peal of Grandsire Doubles at Arklow. He was the first Irishman to ring a peal of Surprise Maximus in his own country.

First peal

Grandsire Triples
St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick
Total peals rung166
Total peals conducted84
Tower bell peals rung64
Handbell peals rung102

Participation in Central Council activities

Offices held: While on the Council Fred was a member of the Public Relation Committee to which he was co-opted in 1982; he was a full member of the committee until his death in 1998. He was also on the Standing Committee from 1954-1972 and in the Administrative Committee from 1972-1981. He worked tirelessly as the Overseas Liaison Officer for the Council.

Meetings attended: 52

1945Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1946Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1947Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1948Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1949Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1950Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1951Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1952Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1953Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1954Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1955Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1956Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1957Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1958Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1959Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1960Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1961Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1962Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1963Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1964Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1965Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1966Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1967Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1968Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1969Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1970Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1971Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1972Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1973Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1974Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1975Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1976Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1977Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1978Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1979Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1980Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1981Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1982Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1983Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1984Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1985Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1986Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1987Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1988Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1989Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1990Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1991Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1992Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1993Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1994Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1995Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1996Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1997Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1998Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member

Not in Rolls of Honour

Frederick Ernest Dukes

Date of Birth23/05/1912
Date of Death27/12/1998
Date of Funeral30/12/1998
Age at death86
Trade or professionElectrical Industry

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 32 01/01/1999
The Ringing World page 84 22/01/1999
The Ringing World page 181 26/02/1999
The Ringing World page 186 26/02/1999
The Ringing World page 199 26/02/1999
The Ringing World page 200 26/02/1999
Report and Newsletter page 7 01/04/2000


Irish Association
Ancient Society of College Youths
Central Council of Church Bellringers

Society offices held: He was the General Secretary of the Irish Association for 44 years and the Editor of Irish Bell News for 37 years.

Publications in the Central Council Library

Acquisition NumberPublicationDateContribution
2214Campanology in Ireland1994Author
2541Catalogue of material bequeathed by Fred Dukes to RCD Library Dublin (MS 614)Author
1639Master of the bells1984, DecAuthor

Awaiting photo.


Place of BirthDublin
Began ringing atSt. George's Church, Dublin
TowersSt George's, Dublin from 1928-1932; St. Patrick's Cathedral Dublin in 1933 and then from 1936-1946; St. Fin Barre's Cathedral Cork from 1934-1936. in 1950 he moved to Drogheda where he rang for the rest of his life
Location mentioned in obituaryDrogheda


Notable performances: He rang several notable peals: one was a family peal of Grandsire Doubles which he conducted on handbells with his wife and his sister. He conducted the first peal of Plain Bob Minor ever rung in Ireland at St. George's Dublin in 1944; this was the first in the method by all the band. In October 1943 Fred cycled 110 miles and called a peal of Grandsire Doubles at Arklow. He was the first Irishman to ring a peal of Surprise Maximus in his own country.

First peal

Grandsire Triples
St. Mary's Cathedral, Limerick
Total peals rung166
Total peals conducted84
Tower bell peals rung64
Handbell peals rung102

Participation in Central Council activities

Offices held: While on the Council Fred was a member of the Public Relation Committee to which he was co-opted in 1982; he was a full member of the committee until his death in 1998. He was also on the Standing Committee from 1954-1972 and in the Administrative Committee from 1972-1981. He worked tirelessly as the Overseas Liaison Officer for the Council.

Meetings attended: 52

1945Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1946Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1947Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1948Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1949Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1950Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1951Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1952Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1953Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1954Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1955Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1956Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1957Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1958Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1959Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1960Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1961Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1962Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1963Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1964Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1965Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1966Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1967Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1968Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1969Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1970Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1971Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1972Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1973Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1974Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1975Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1976Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1977Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1978Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1979Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1980Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1981Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1982Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1983Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1984Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1985Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1986Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1987Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1988Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1989Irish AssociationSociety Representative
1990Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1991Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1992Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1993Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1994Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1995Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1996Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1997Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member
1998Central Council of Church BellringersLife Member

Not in Rolls of Honour

  © CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, Central Council