History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringers from the past

Revd Preb Ernest Vyvyan Cox

Date of Birth 
Date of Death30/05/1961
Date of Funeral02/06/1961
Age at death79
Trade or professionClerk in Holy Orders

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 393 09/06/1961
The Ringing World page 409 16/06/1961


Devonshire Guild
Stafford Archdeaconry Society

Society offices held: Secretary O.U.S. October 1902-June 1903; President of Devon Guild 1906-1908; Secretary and Treasurer Society of the Archdeaconry of Stoke; Founder of the Guild of Clerical Ringers 1937 and Secretary and Treasurer until 1953. Secretary and Treasurer Society for the Archdeaconry of Stafford.



Place of BirthStockland, Devon
Began ringing atStockland, Devon
Towers1902-1903 Keble College Oxford. Revived O.U.S.
Location mentioned in obituaryAxminster


Notable performances: First Clerical peal of Stedman Caters at St. Mary Warwick on 11th October 1910

Details of peals: Ringing World 9th July 1915

First peal

Stedman Triples
St. Mary Kidlington
Total peals rung144
Total peals conducted23

Participation in Central Council activities

Meetings attended: 0

1915Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1915Stafford Archdeaconry SocietySociety Representative
1916Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1917Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1918Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1936Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1937Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1938Devonshire GuildSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

Revd Preb Ernest Vyvyan Cox

Date of Birth 
Date of Death30/05/1961
Date of Funeral02/06/1961
Age at death79
Trade or professionClerk in Holy Orders

Biographical references

Biographical Summary

The Ringing World page 393 09/06/1961
The Ringing World page 409 16/06/1961


Devonshire Guild
Stafford Archdeaconry Society

Society offices held: Secretary O.U.S. October 1902-June 1903; President of Devon Guild 1906-1908; Secretary and Treasurer Society of the Archdeaconry of Stoke; Founder of the Guild of Clerical Ringers 1937 and Secretary and Treasurer until 1953. Secretary and Treasurer Society for the Archdeaconry of Stafford.



Place of BirthStockland, Devon
Began ringing atStockland, Devon
Towers1902-1903 Keble College Oxford. Revived O.U.S.
Location mentioned in obituaryAxminster


Notable performances: First Clerical peal of Stedman Caters at St. Mary Warwick on 11th October 1910

Details of peals: Ringing World 9th July 1915

First peal

Stedman Triples
St. Mary Kidlington
Total peals rung144
Total peals conducted23

Participation in Central Council activities

Meetings attended: 0

1915Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1915Stafford Archdeaconry SocietySociety Representative
1916Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1917Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1918Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1936Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1937Devonshire GuildSociety Representative
1938Devonshire GuildSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

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