History and Archive Workgroup

The history of bellringers & bellringing - Ringers from the past

Bryan John Robert Gross

Date of Birth10/11/1932
Date of Death23/09/2022
Date of Funeral 
Age at death
Trade or profession

Biographical references


Peterborough Diocesan Guild
Ancient Society of College Youths

Society offices held: Tocester Branch offices including auditor

Bryan J R Gross



Place of BirthGreat Yarmouth
Began ringing atGreens Norton, Norhtants


Notable performances: Rang in the first 12 bell peal at Towcester, Little Bob Maximus 16 June 1990

First peal

Plain Bob Major
Easton Neston
Total peals rung15
Total peals conducted0
Tower bell peals rung15

Participation in Central Council activities

Meetings attended: 4

1993Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1994Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1995Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1996Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1997Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1998Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1999Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

Bryan John Robert Gross

Date of Birth10/11/1932
Date of Death23/09/2022
Date of Funeral 
Age at death
Trade or profession

Biographical references


Peterborough Diocesan Guild
Ancient Society of College Youths

Society offices held: Tocester Branch offices including auditor

Bryan J R Gross



Place of BirthGreat Yarmouth
Began ringing atGreens Norton, Norhtants


Notable performances: Rang in the first 12 bell peal at Towcester, Little Bob Maximus 16 June 1990

First peal

Plain Bob Major
Easton Neston
Total peals rung15
Total peals conducted0
Tower bell peals rung15

Participation in Central Council activities

Meetings attended: 4

1993Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1994Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1995Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1996Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1997Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1998Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative
1999Peterborough Diocesan GuildSociety Representative

Not in Rolls of Honour

  © CCCBR. Material on this website may be freely used for any purpose in connection with the promotion of bell ringing. For any other purpose please contact us, Central Council